
DR. Stephen Vantassel

Dean of Students

PhD (Theology), Trinity College of the Bible and Seminary, Indiana

MA (Theological Studies), Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

BA (Biblical Studies and Philosophy), Gordon College


Director of the Knowing Your Bible (KYB) Program

Approved Tutor at University of Chester

Children’s Ministry Co-ordinator (Whitehead Baptist Church, N.I.)


Vantassel, S. M. 2018. A Pastoral-Theological Assessment of the Conflict between Atheistic Evolution, Creationism, and Scripture. In Evangelical Feview of Yheology and Politics 6:A69-A86.

Vantassel, S. M. 2017. Dominion over Animals: Taking the Scriptural Witness and Worldview Seriously (333-348). In Bracy V. Hi,l and John B. white (eds.). God, Nimrod and the World: Exploring Christian Perspectives on Spotts Hunting. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press.

Vantassel, S. M. 2017. Church Discipline: Rationale, Scope, Process, and Issue. Evangelical Review of Theology and Politics 5, ES5-16.

Vantassel, S. M. and N. D. Kloosterman. 2011. Compassionate Eating as Distortion of Scripture: Using Religion to Serve Food Morality. In Evangelical Review of Society and Politics 5.1, 33-48.

Vantassel, S. M. 2009. Dominion over Wildlife? An Environmental-Theology of Human-Wildlife Relations. Eugene: Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2009.

Vantassel, S. M. 2007. Should Wildlife Trapping have a Place in an Evangelical Environmental Ethic? In Evangelical Review of Society and Politics 1.2, 20-41.

Vantassel, S. M. 2003. A Biblical Assessment of Andrew Linzey’s View of Animal Rights. In Emmaus Journal 12, 177-195.

Ethics (particularly ethics of animal use, environmental issues and war), Old Testament Studies (archeology and history), Practical Theology