
DR. Andy Cheung

Academic Director

PhD (Theology), University of Birmingham

Director of Operations and Tutor in Biblical Studies, KEDS

A. Cheung, 2013. A History of Twentieth Century Translation Theory and Its Application to Bible Translation. In Journal of Translation 9:1, 1-15.

A. Cheung, 2012. Foreignising Bible Translation: Retaining Foreign Origins when Rendering Scripture. In Tyndale Bulletin 63:2, 257-73.

A. Cheung, 2012. Biblically Responsible Investing: An Evaluation Report. In Evangelical Review of Society and Politics 6:1-2, 37-59.

A. Cheung, 2009. Bible Translation as Cultural Interchange: Rendering the Foreign in Minority Languages. In Evangelical Review of Society and Politics 3:1, 1-15.

A. Cheung, 2009. The Meaning of Israel in Romans 11:26. In Calvin L. Smith (ed.) The Jews, Modern Israel and the New Supersessionism. Lampeter: King’s Divinity Press, 8-24.

Biblical Studies (particularly translation theory), New Testament Studies, Biblical Languages.