Matt Wong
New Testament Studies
MA (Theology), University of Chester
DipHE (Theology), University of Chester
BA (Hons) Geography, University of Nottingham
Tutor in Theology, KEDS
Wong, Matthew. 2021. ‘A Soteriological Examination of Hebrews 6:4-8: A Presentation & Proposed Solution, Part 1,’ Journal of Dispensational Theology 24, 69, 135-58.
Wong, Matthew. 2021. ‘A Soteriological Examination of Hebrews 6:4-8: A Presentation & Proposed Solution, Part 2,’ Journal of Dispensational Theology 25, 70, 7-32.
Wong, Matthew. 2020. ‘A Survey of Evangelical Hermeneutical Approaches to Conservation,’ The Evangelical Review of Theology and Politics, vol. 8, 13-28.
‘The World of the New Testament’ in Knowing Your Bible: An Introductory Survey for the Everyday Christian. King’s Divinity Press, 2016.
Research Interests
New Testament survey, environmental theology, the Church and Israel